Behavioral science
applied to
business problems

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Seer’s unique approach to behavioral strategy allows organizations to more accurately understand the behavior of customers, consumers, fans, donors and voters.

For 50 years, important insights into the whys of human behavior have been hidden inside academia. Seer is at the leading edge of leveraging the power of that research into the subconscious holistically. 

We analyze sociological, psychological, anthropological and ethnographic research findings with modern data science. We integrate all the disciplines and apply our broader understanding of the subconscious mind to communications challenges.


Why it’s never been more important to know why

In the past, demographics was *good enough* because relationships between individuals, businesses and brands took time to form and took time to decay. Media, government, religion and business moved at a glacial pace — people essentially lived in the past.

But now, relationships are instantly created and disrupted. The glacier is now a fast-flowing, constantly changing tsunami. We’re drowning in Whats when we need Whys.

In the age of social atomization, uncertainty is driving people to seek new relationships as trust erodes. SEER’s predictive strategies allow organizations to anticipate behavior, shape opinion and create connections that will endure.

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Our Expertise

Seer was formed in 2019, bringing together a team of industry experts in strategy, research, branding, marketing, design, cultural anthropology, social psychology, technologists and data scientists. The teams work out of three North American offices: Atlanta GA, San Francisco CA and Calgary, Canada.


Peter Sorckoff | FOUNDER

Peter epitomizes big picture thinking. He brings his 20+ years of marketing and branding experience to the table in every interaction, leveraging his deep understanding of the human subconscious and the phenomenon he calls ‘fandom’.

Peter’s career began in a therapeutic environment which has informed his human-centric vision of marketing from the outset. That insight has served him well in his roles for major brands in the NBA, MLB, NHL and other sports franchises around the world.

Prior to the launch of Seer, Peter was Chief Creative Officer & EVP Brand for the Atlanta Hawks and Philips Arena. At the Hawks, he managed the brand, marketing, digital, creative, production/content, innovation, and retail teams. Peter built an internal agency which changed the paradigm of sports partnerships with Coca-Cola, Anheuser Busch, Diageo, Verizon and FanDuel.

Peter also led the repositioning and rebranding of the Hawks franchise, and served as design lead on the $200M ‘Experience First’ renovation of Philips Arena, where groundbreaking architecture fulfilled the needs of a millennial audience. His leadership created the $40M Emory Courts practice facility — the USA’s first cohabited professional sports practice facility, human sports science lab and sports medicine and orthopedic practice. Peter also enabled Coca-Cola to integrate their global innovation platform (Bridge Community) into the broader Hawks franchise — another first in sports.

Internationally, Peter has been a consultant on projects for the Olympics and in the Australian sports marketplace, . He is a much sought-after marketing speaker on the national stage, where audiences learn about how to market to the subconscious and how every brand should think of their customers as fans.



Two-time Emmy Award Winner and member of the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame. Ryan is currently the afternoon drive host on WAMJ MAJIC 107.5/97.5. He is the first African American P.A. Announcer in the history of the Atlanta Hawks franchise, where his signature “For 3eeeeeeeee!” call is featured in video games platforms around the world. In 2018, he added another sports title to his resume as he became the public address announcer for the Atlanta Falcons. He is a founding partner of the Threaded Agency, a global sports branding corporation. Ryan has now added producer and director to his resume as he is now producing television shows for TV One! He was ranked by Atlanta Magazine as one of the 45 Most Powerful People in the City of Atlanta. Ryan is living his motto "hard work is about an exit strategy not a succession plan". From humble beginnings, this Atlanta legend has become an essential part of the local community and entertainment industry alike.



Geoff is Seer’s CRO, responsible for all revenue generation across new and existing clients, influencing the future growth of the business at every level, and refining operations to deliver excellent service. He heads up marketing and communications, as well as strategic partnerships.

Geoff brings strategic insight to every engagement and has a mandate to create a unique experience for every client.

Geoff ensures the client’s voice is always heard, that healthy relationships grow with every project, and that Seer is continuously improving its service delivery.



The alchemy of unique creative vision, curiosity and the passionate exploration of these talents has been with Dave from an early age, yet he remains relentless in his pursuit of the fresh and unexpected. For him, the lens is an old friend; a gateway to storytelling. A diverse career ranging from his work with troubled youth to reinvigorating major league sports icons to steering emerging global brands has honed his abilities to skillfully orchestrate opportunity and objectives. It is a path that has given him the courage to jump into the deep-end and the commitment to exceed all expectations.

This quest for the extraordinary is a process both human and technical. It begins with a foundation of understanding and a vigilant oath to put the client and their true message at the centre. At every stage from concept to completion, it demands constant allegiance to their purpose and character. It responds to those who have mastered their craft and are willing to go the extra mile. And when done right, it delivers that most elusive reward. The idea that surprises and delights. Concise, clear and powerful. The unexpected.



John is a futurist and innovation catalyst who will change the way you think about sustainability and convergence for climate — transforming duty into opportunity, liability into a new asset class.  John has a passion for the future — he wants all of us to meet him there as soon as possible.

He’s literally been living in the future since he built his first super-smart eco-home in California. Since then, he’s been designing for the future we all want to live in, from the City Center Hotel Las Vegas to Atlantic Station in ATL, via Grand Wailea in Maui, and even the White House. 

 John is forging tomorrow in Silicon Valley, coding architecture that is sensate, adaptive, regenerative, cost-effective and healthy. With John, everything converges on the future: people, places, spaces, software, hardware and Mother Earth in all her glory. John is weaving a new story of the Internet of Climate Change, a protective web of data around the world that will solve for the planet — and humanity.



Jim is a sports marketing and e-sports executive and former WHAM Network Chief Operations Officer from Los Angeles, California. Under his company JLG Management, Jim has continued his extensive background in athlete representation, spearheading sports marketing/entertainment projects, and participating in high-level brand strategy for both individuals and organizations. Currently, he works as an executive business consultant for clients including SXSW Innovators Fund, Herbalife International, GRAIL Healthcare, Seer World, and John Picard & Associates.

He holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs from Indiana University.


Dr. Andrew Walshe

Andy is a widely acknowledged leader and expert in the field of performance. He has served as the Director of Red Bull’s global athlete development program and is a founding member, partner, and Chief Performance Officer at Liminal Collective. Throughout his career, Andy has concentrated on providing practical solutions to enhance both organizational and human performance.

His strategic framework solutions in human performance, business, sports, and culture have been highly sought after by global organizations for over 30 years. He earned a Bachelor of Human Movement from the University of Sydney and a PhD in Applied Biometrics from Southern Cross University.




Iain Ferguson


Candace Evans


Jacob McConnell