Why we like what we like, trust who we trust, and do what we do.

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Understanding the Elephant and the Rider

The quickest way to understand the human mind is to think about an elephant and a rider. The elephant is your subconscious mind, where emotion rules. The rider is your conscious mind, where we appear to be rational and in full control.

What research tells us is that the elephant is in charge of 99% of everything we do. The rider merely rationalizes what the elephant wants.

(You can find out more about Jonathan Haidt’s The Elephant and the Rider analogy HERE.)

Understanding the elephant — and communicating with it — ought to be the most important skill of communications. But it’s the rider who has been getting most of our attention up till now. Seer is dedicated to explaining in depth what the subconscious mind really likes and trusts and why. Through that understanding we can predict behaviors in many markets at scale.

Applying the Seer methodology

Seer’s behavioral science model is an alloy of social psychology, cultural anthropology and data science. Leveraging 50 years of academic study in the field of human behavior, Seer is building a predictive tool that is far more accurate than any existing demographic or psychographic methodologies.

With the tool, Seer clients can:

  • Develop brand positioning that creates symmetry with customers instinctual (subconscious) world views

  • Personalize communications at scale

  • Rebuild trust in institutions, organizations and brands

Poached Eggs with Skillet Toast